Lighting, Signs, and Branding for Gas Stations and CStores
For 25 years, Malik Lighting, Signs, & Branding has been providing high-octane services at affordable rates.

Lighting and Sign Installation, Maintenance, and Repairs

Gas Station and CStore Upgrades

Brand or Rebrand Installations (Image Conversions)
For jobbers and gas station owners we offer:
Maintenance of Gas Station Signs and Lighting Repairs
We help you keep the lights on with our remarkably speedy 24/7 emergency service.
- Replace or repair price signs and other sign outages
- Repair any lighted signs
- Fuel pump repair
- Maintain or repair perimeter lighting
- Replace or repair canopy lights
- Replace or repair pole lighting
- Fix underground wiring
- Replace or repair interior and exterior convenience store (C-store) lights
- Replace or repair cooler lighting

Gas Station Upgrades
We can help you save money on electrical bills and drive more traffic.
- Upgrade LED lighting with ComEd rebates
- Upgrade to brighter lighting
- Repair rust on bollards (to brand specs)
- Paint cure for pump islands

Brand or Rebrand Lighting & Sign Installations
We can switch out one petroleum gas station brand standard for another: a rebrand installation aka an image conversion.
- Remove price sign faces and replace with new brand
- Place and install canopy facia and ACM for new brand
- Add new border lighting for canopies
- Re-pipe and/or rewire or wire canopy piping and wiring
- Paint canopy columns to brand specifications (specs)
- Paint bollards to brand specs
- Install pump graphics
- Paint pump islands to brand specs
- Install C-store branding and interior graphics