Parking Lot Pole Light Construction
Parking lot pole lights and exterior lighting maintenance
We are a full service company that specializes in parking lot lighting maintenance and repair as well as exterior lighting repairs for commercial and industrial facilities. Our Company Builds/Pours Concrete Light Pole Foundations, Installs & Repairs Parking lot Pole Lighting fixtures and Underground Electrical Wiring & Conduits.
We also provide services for energy efficient Lighting upgrades by relamping traditional lamps and retrofitting them with led lighting. We install light poles with concrete foundation and underground wiring according to the National Electrical Code. We are a service provider with the new Comed Energy efficiency program helping our customers reduce a significant amount of energy while upgrading their parking lots and making them brighter.
We have a fleet of 60ft + bucket trucks that allow our technicians to upgrade and maintain all types of lighting for parking lots and exterior building light fixtures.
We work with our customers from initial Lighting design, all the way till implementation of the Project. Upon completion of all projects we ensure all necessary maintenance for parking lot lighting is performed in a timely fashion allowing the parking lot to always be lit up. It is vital for a parking lot to be well lit up to prevent crime and allow for a safer environment.
We offer services 24/7 and respond to all emergency outages. Our Fleet of Bucket Trucks and Service Vans are fully equipped with Bulbs, Ballasts, Capacitors, Holders, and other necessary parts to perform pole lighting repairs.
We have certified journeyman and master electricians that are able to locate underground wiring issues and perform necessary repairs.
We offer trenching and directional boring to run any new wiring and circuits for parking lot pole lights. We employ high trained electricians & Lighting Techs that are able to Troubleshoot underground wiring issues that may be causing the Lighting Outages and perform urgently needed electrical wiring repairs to get the Lights back on.
Our Company also offers Light Pole Replacement and Repair services. Often Times Light poles are Damaged due to a vehicle damaging them or caused by High speed winds which Bring down the lights Pole. We offer Welding Services to Repair existing Light poles as well as installing New Light poles with New Lighting Fixtures. Oftentimes the Concrete Foundation for the Light Pole also needs to be Replaced or Repaired.
We provide services for Pouring New Light pole Bases Foundations for new developments and Existing parking lots. Our Lighting techs are able to Install Light Pole Rebar Cages, Ground Rod and Anchor bolts for new Light Pole Foundations. Our company also Provides services for removal of existing Light pole Foundations that have been damaged or have deteriorated and need to be replaced. We understand the importance for having a good Foundation for the Light poles to ensure a strong and solid Light Pole structure.
Preventative Maintenance for Light Pole
Light Poles make up an essential part of your parking lot and exterior of your property. Preventive Maintenance is highly recommended for the life of your Light poles and Fixtures. Our company offers preventive maintenance services for Parking Lot Pole Lights that



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